Dr. Swetlana Herbrandt
Office CDI 103
Phone 0231 / 755 - 3139
Fax 0231 / 755 - 5284
E-Mail swetlana.herbrandttu-dortmundde
zhb - SBAZ
Vogelpothsweg 78
D-44227 Dortmund

Curriculum Vitae
2012 Diploma (Dipl.-Stat., Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund University)
Thesis: "Diskriminanzanalyseverfahren und ihre Implementierung in R"
Referee: Dr. Uwe Ligges
2018 Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat., Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund University)
Thesis: "Statistische Modellierung eines Bohrprozesses"
Referee: Prof. Dr. Claus Weihs
2012-2020 Academic staff at the Centre for Statistical Consulting and Analysis (SBAZ), Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund University
Since 2020 Head of the Division Statistical Consulting and Analysis (SBAZ), Center for Higher Education, TU Dortmund University
2012-2017 DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 823 "Statistical Modelling of Nonlinear Dynamic Processes"
Project B4: Statistical Process Modelling for Machining of Inhomogeneous Mineral Subsoil
2018-2020 DFG Priority Program (SPP) 1886 "Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures"
Project 12: Polymorphic Uncertainty Modeling for Stability Quantification of Fluid Saturated Soil and Earth Structures
2017-2020 Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)-Maintainer at the R Foundation (package reviews and implementation of check processes)
Viertel, K., van Meegen, C., Herbrandt, S., Annecke, T., Mattner, F. (2024): No One-Size-Fits-all Approach: Retrospective Analysis of Efficacy and Safety of Serum Concentrations of Continuously Administered Vancomycin in Critically Ill Adults Reveals Different Target Serum Concentrations Depending on Disease Severity. medRxiv Preprint. doi:10.1101/2024.12.26.24319482.
Otchwemah, R., Sons, D., Herbrandt, S., Stolte, M., Hamid, A., Mattner, F. (2024): What Do We Really Know About Hand Disinfection Performance During Patient Care on Surgical Wards? Orthopaedic Proceedings 106-B (SUPP_19). doi:10.1302/1358-992X.2024.19.025.
Mainka, D., Bauer, N., Dietze, L., Lehnert, S., Krandick, J., Himmelreich, D., Jomaa, H., Zimmermann, M., Borchmann, P., Herbrandt, S., Rothe, A. (2024): Humoral Immune Response as an Indicator for Protection Against Covid-19 after Anti-SARS-COV2-Booster Vaccination in Hematological and Oncological Patients. International Journal of Cancer. doi:10.1002/ijc.35162.
Schade, M., Terkowsky, C., Boettcher, K., Inerle, S., Kaufhold, N., Herbrandt, S., Sritharan, R. (2024): Gender Differences in Teamwork and Leadership within Virtual Engineering Laboratories. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. doi:10.1002/cite.202300242.
Stumpf, A., Herbrandt, S., Betting, L., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2024): Societal Perception of Animal Videos on Social Media — Funny Content or Animal Suffering? A Survey. Animals 14 (15). doi:10.3390/ani14152234.
Stolte, M., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U. (2024): A Comprehensive Review of Bias Reduction Methods for Logistic Regression. Statistics Surveys 18. doi:10.1214/24-SS148.
kleine Kruthaup, F.A., Fels, M., Timphaus, C.B., Freise, F., Herbrandt, S., große Beilag, E. (2024): Effects of Different Tooth Grinding Procedures on the Occurrence of Tooth Injuries, Skin Lesions, Performance and Behaviour of Suckling Piglets. Porcine Health Management 10 (22). doi:10.1186/s40813-024-00373-x.
Timphaus, C.B., kleine Kruthaup, F.A., Freise, F., Herbrandt, S., große Beilage, E., Fels, M. (2024): Effects of Two Different Methods of Teeth Grinding on Dental Injuries, Skin Lesions, Growth and Behaviour of Suckling Piglets Compared to a Non-Treated Control Group. Animals 14 (9), 1318. doi:10.3390/ani14091318.
Gruber, R., Montilva Ludewig, M. V., Wessels, C., Schlang, G., Jedhoff, S., Herbrandt, S., Mattner, F. (2024): Long-Term Symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Cohort of Hospital Employees: Duration and Predictive Factors. BMC Infectious Diseases 24 (119). doi:10.1186/s12879-023-08710-1.
Kroll, L., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2024): Determination of the Sound Level During Different Management Measures in Piglet Rearing Related to Animal Welfare and Human Health and Safety. Livestock Science. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2024.105410.
Hube, D., van Meegen, C., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2023): Hair Corticosterone Concentration as a Potential Stress Marker in Pet Rabbits. Veterinary Record. doi:10.1002/vetr.3464.
Licht, C., Herbrandt, S., van Meegen, C., Lehfeld, H., Hillemacher, T., Richter, K. (2023): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Effects of rTMS in Caucasian Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Brain Sciences 13 (9). doi:10.3390/brainsci13091335.
Hube, D., Bill, J., Knop, E.S., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2023): Physical Injuries and Hair Corticosterone Concentration in Rabbit Kits from Single- and Group-Housed Does Kept on a Commercial Farm. Animals 13 (2). doi:10.3390/ani13020196.
Seyedpour, S. M., Henning, C., Kirmizakis, P., Herbrandt, S., Ickstadt, K., Doherty, R., Ricken, T. (2023): Uncertainty with Varying Subsurface Permeabilities Reduced using Coupled Random Field and Extended Theory of Porous Media Contaminant Transport Models. Water 15 (1). doi:10.3390/w15010159.
Fels, M., Knop, E. S., Stolte, M., Kemper, N., Herbrandt, S. (2022): Vergleich verschiedener Dominanzindizes zur Bestimmung individueller Rangpositionen in Gruppen von Absetzferkeln. Züchtungskunde 94 (6). ISSN 0044-5401.
Wiechers, D.-H., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2022): Does Nursing Behaviour of Sows in Loose-Housing Pens Differ from That of Sows in Farrowing Pens with Crates? Animals 12 (2). doi:10.3390/ani12020137.
Tillmanns, M., Scheepens, K., Stolte, M., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2022): Implementation of a Pig Toilet in a Nursery Pen with a Straw-Littered Lying Area. Animals 12 (1). doi:10.3390/ani12010113.
Gruber, R., Montilva Ludewig, M. V., Wessels, C., Schlang, G., Jedhoff, S., Herbrandt, S., Mattner, F. (2022): Long-Term Symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Cohort of Hospital Employees: Duration and Predictive Factors. medRxiv. doi:10.1101/2022.03.22.22272770.
Laves, J., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2022): Erhöhte Ebenen in der Ferkelaufzucht: Auswirkungen auf Raumnutzung, Hygiene und Stallklima auf einem Praxisbetrieb. Züchtungskunde 94 (3). ISSN 0044-5401.
Ickstadt, K., Pauly, M., Motta, M., Herbrandt, S., Moroff, N., Niemann, F., Henke, M., ten Hompel, M. (2022): Lernverfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz zur Inwertsetzung von Daten: Automatisierte Erkennung und Prognose. In: ten Hompel, M., Henke, M., Otto, B. (eds) Silicon Economy. Springer, Berlin. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-63956-6_11.
Neuwirth, M. M., Marche, B., Kugler, C., Buresd, D., Sauerland, D., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Mattner, F., Otchwemah, R. (2021): Evidence of the Medical and Economic Benefits of Implementing Hygiene Measures by a Prevention Link Physician in Trauma Surgery: Study Protocol for a Biphasic Multicenter Prospective Interventional Pre-Post Cohort Study using a Structured Intervention Bundle Development and Tools of Behavior Change Management. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 23, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100815.
Neuwirth, M. M., Herbrandt, S., Mattner, F., Otchwemah, R. (2021): Standardized Aseptic Dressing Change Procedure: Optimizations and Adherence in a Prospective Pre- and Postintervention Cohort Study. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 1 - 6. doi:10.1017/ice.2021.200.
El Abbadi, S., Susok, L., Stockfleth, E., Bechara, F. G., Gambichler, T., Herbrandt, S., Goldschmidtböing, L., Sand, M. (2021): Comparison of the Skin Cancer Quality of Life Impact Tool and the Skin Cancer Index Questionnaire in Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life and the Effect of Patient Education Brochures in Patients with Actinic Keratosis, Non-melanoma Skin Cancer, and Cutaneous Melanoma. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). doi:10.1007/s13555-021-00522-y.
Laves, J., Herbrandt, S., van Meegen, C., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2021): Effect of Pens with an Elevated Platform on Space Utilization, Skin Lesions and Growth Performance in Nursery Pigs. Animal 15 (1), 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.animal.2020.100002.
Wiechers, D.-H., Brunner, S., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2021): Analysis of Hair Cortisol as an Indicator of Chronic Stress in Pigs in Two Different Farrowing Systems. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8, 1 - 12. doi:10.3389/fvets.2021.605078.
Bill, J., Rauterberg, S. L., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2020): Agonistic Behavior and Social Hierarchy in Female Domestic Rabbits Kept in Semi-Groups. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 38, 21 - 31. doi:10.1016/j.jveb.2020.03.004.
Schmidt, A., Henning, C., Herbrandt, S., Könke, C., Ickstadt, K., Ricken, T., Lahmer, T. (2019): Numerical Studies of Earth Structure Assessment via the Theory of Porous Media using Fuzzy Probability Based Random Field Material Descriptions. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 42 (1). doi:10.1002/gamm.201900007.
Fels, M., Rauterberg, S., Schwennen, C., Ligges, U., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Schmicke, M. (2019): Cortisol/Dehydroepiandrosterone Ratio in Saliva: Endocrine Biomarker for Chronic Stress in Pigs? Livestock Science 222, 21 - 24. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2019.01.022.
Herbrandt, S. (2018): Statistische Modellierung eines Bohrprozesses. Dissertation, TU Dortmund. doi:10.17877/DE290R-19844.
Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M. P., Kansteiner, M., Biermann, D., Tillmann, W., Weihs, C. (2018): Model Based Optimization of a Statistical Simulation Model for Single Diamond Grinding. Computational Statistics 33 (3), 1127 - 1143. doi:10.1007/s00180-016-0669-z.
Henning, C., Herbrandt, S., Ickstadt, K., Ricken, T. (2018): Combining Finite Elements and Random Fields to Quantify Uncertainty in a Multi-phase Structural Analysis. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 18 (1). doi:10.1002/pamm.201800333.
before 2018
Weihs, C., Herbrandt, S., Bauer, N., Friedrichs, K., Horn, D. (2017): Efficient Global Optimization: Motivation, Variations, and Applications. Archives of Data Science, Series A, 2(1). doi:10.5445/KSP/1000058749/01.
Herbrandt, S., Weihs, C., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M., Rautert, C., Biermann, D., Tillmann, W. (2016): Optimization of a Simulation for Inhomogeneous Mineral Subsoil Machining, in: A. Wilhelm und H. Kestler (Hrsg.), Analysis of Large and Complex Data, 487 - 496, Springer.
Kansteiner, M., Kipp, M., Herbrandt, S., Ferreira, M., Biermann, D. (2015): Process Forces and Groove Development in Single Grain Scratch Tests of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. in: Applied Mechanics and Materials 794, 207 - 214. Trans Tech Publications.
Tillmann, W., Biermann, D., Weihs, C., Ferreira, M. P., Kansteiner, M., Herbrandt, S., Nellesen, J. (2015): Influence of the Diamond Size and Diamond Distribution on the Wear Behavior of Sintered Diamond-Metal Composites During the Machining of Reinforced Concrete - Investigations by Computer Tomography and Statistical Evaluations. in: Euro PM2015 Proceedings: HM - Modelling and Characterisation. European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA).
Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M., Kansteiner, M., Weihs, C. (2014): Statistical Simulation of a Multi-Phase Tool Machining a Multi-Phase Workpiece. Archives of Data Science, Series A, 1 (1), 129 - 155. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000058747/08.
Herbrandt, S. (2012): Diskriminanzanalyseverfahren und ihre Implementierung in R. Diplomarbeit, TU Dortmund. ISBN: 978-3639458749.